Snowmobile Rentals: Greatest Christmas Gift Ever
My mom loves snowmobiling. So for Christmas I got her and I half day snowmobile rentals. We went riding on February 6ish, and by that time I was getting sick of hearing about snowmobiling and what a great time we will have and how much fun it will be, and what a great son I am for thinking of the greatest Christmas gift ever.
Before this snowmobile rental most of my snowmobiling memories are not pleasant. Buying miles of pullcord, water in the gas, and if I had a good sled it would not snow that year. We had a lot of fun on our trip: nice trails, working machines, electric start. All things that were new to me. We are planning another trip with more people for next year. The employees were nice and helpful. Good clean fun!
Rating: Excellent *****
Richard M.
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